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You say you weren't born with a YES! Attitude?

No problem! Jeffrey Gitomer will give you all the tools you need to build one. As the world's #1 expert in selling, Jeffrey Gitomer knows more about attitude than anyone.

Now he's brought those lessons together in a course that'll change your life! It's a complete, step-by-step game plan for understanding and mastering your attitude.

Limited Time Offer For Book Owners...
Limited Time Offer For Book Owners
  • ​ 7.5 specific things you can do to maintain your intensity, drive, and commitment.

  • ​ ​20.5 "attitude gems" that capture the value of thousands of dollars of books and courses.

  • ​​ Learn how to overcome the 10.5 most dangerous "attitude busters."

  • How to maintain your YES! Attitude every day, for the rest of your life!

Every business winner has one thing in common: a YES! Attitude that's powerful enough to help them achieve the impossible!

14 Video Modules:

New Content Added Regularly

4 Activity PDF's:

Negative and Positive Senses, What are YOUR Attitude Busters, Attitude Begins With Me, Your Yes! Attitude Game Plan

Bonus eBook:

People of Attitude
and Influence

    You will learn both the nuances and the secrets of mastering learning.
  • POSITIVE ATTITUDE VS. YES! ATTITUDE - What kind of attitude do you have? Positive or Yes!? Learn the difference between a positive and a Yes! attitude, the definition of a Yes! attitude and what it takes to have one.
  • ​ACHIEVING ATTITUDE: SELF-AWARENESS - How do you think about yourself? Change your attitude from positive to Yes! just by the way you think. Learn Jeffrey's 10.5 attitude busters.
  • ​ACHIEVING ATTITUDE: WHAT ARE YOUR ATTITUDE BUSTERS? - Your reaction to the negative people who enter your life is the fate of your attitude. What's your attitude instinct? Why do attitude busters occur?
  • ​​ACHIEVING ATTITUDE: ELEMENTS OF ATTITUDE AWARENESS - Jeffrey's 3.5 Attitude Awareness Elements that lead you to action. How's your attitude when things go wrong?
  • ​​​ACHIEVING ATTITUDE: TAKE ATTITUDE ACTION - Your words reflect your attitude. How do you respond to a negative situation? Learn Jeffrey's prime positive phrases to get the ball rolling in a positive direction.
  • ​​​ ACHIEVING ATTITUDE: YOUR 15.5 ATTITUDE ACTIONS - Jeffrey's 15.5 Attitude Awareness Actions to keep you on the positive path.
  • ​POWER LESSON: ATTITUDE POWERS -As a salesperson you have all the power to make your success happen. But where does that power come from?
  • ATTITUDE GEMS - Here are 20.5 Attitude Gems to implement into your thought and expression process.
  • ​​RESILIENCE, LEADERSHIP, YES! ATTITUDE - What is resilience? And how is your resilience challenged when you have a situation that requires urgent response?
  • ​​SALES RANT: GREAT ATTITUDE LEADS TO GREAT SERVICE - Here are the reasons or the feelings that negatively affect your attitude and reduce or eliminate the power of your ability to serve at a superior level.
  • ​​ATTITUDE OUTCOMES: PASS IT ON - A positive attitude isn't just something you have, it's also something you share. Here's a story of how it's been shared in my family.
  • ​​​ YOUR YES! ATTITUDE CHALLENGE - Jeffrey challenges you to become internally and eternally happy. Here are 25 Attitude Affirmations to tell yourself each morning.
  • ​​​ ​YOUR YES! ATTITUDE GAMEPLAN - What's your game plan to attain and keep a Yes! Attitude? You must mentally commit to make Yes! happen and here are my 3.5 immediate action steps to get started.

People of Attitude and Influence eBook

In this 45-page e-book, Jeffrey shares some of the intimate personal information that has been passed down to him or that he has experienced, the most significant people that had the greatest impact on his attitude and, as a result, his success.
People of Attitude and Influence was first released as a companion to the New York Times best seller, Jeffrey Gitomer's Little Gold Book of YES! Attitude.

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